Projects for Women
Our aspiration is to drive a revolution, rooted in sisterhood and the empowerment of women's individual and shared dreams. We work to give them back the right to dream, allowing them to achieve these aspirations through concrete actions.
With the aim of contributing to the involvement of women in the construction of an equitable and just society, free from violence, we direct our efforts to promote income generation and offer comprehensive care to young, adult and elderly women in locations with a population of up to 50 thousand inhabitants.
We want to end violence against women, especially in small towns, and change our influence in society. Our actions show solutions created and led by women from small towns, so we can overcome these challenges together.
If they are safer, girls and women dream more and have this right guaranteed.

United so that women have their right to dream guaranteed!
Women's Circle
Status: Active

We at Fábrica dos Sonhos believe in the transformative power of Active Listening, and that is why we hold a monthly meeting, whether virtually or in person, bringing together women on the first day of the Full Moon.During these meetings, we experienced moments of empathy, acceptance and compassion, exploring the reading and discussion of the book "Mulheres Que Correm Com Os Lobos", by the author Clarissa Pinkola Estés.
The project began in September 2020 during the first Right to Dream Week.
Women's Circle
Status: Active

O Programa Meninas Líderes é uma iniciativa dedicada a capacitar e inspirar jovens mulheres a se tornarem líderes em suas comunidades, com foco especial em promover a equidade de gênero e enfrentar desafios relacionados às mudanças climáticas.
Através de uma formação abrangente e participativa, oferecemos ferramentas práticas, mentoria e oportunidades de networking para que as participantes possam desenvolver suas habilidades de liderança, fortalecer sua voz e impactar positivamente a sociedade.
Nosso projeto também enfatiza a importância da diversidade e inclusão, reunindo jovens líderes de diferentes regiões e origens para compartilhar experiências e aprender umas com as outras. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de empoderamento e transformação, onde cada menina se torna uma força poderosa para a mudança!
Against Gender Violence: Safecity App
Project: In Partnership
Status: Active

With the aim of combating the growing problem of gender violence in our municipality, São Lourenço - MG, and in Brazil as a whole,we have established a significant partnership with the international organization Red Dot Foundation Global, becoming the first Brazilian chapter (First Chapter).
Through access to the Safecity application data network,We were able to map incidents of gender-based violence, proposing solutions that aim to create safer public spaces for victims of such violence, both in our region and across the country.
Our main mission is to inform victims of violence on how to report such incidents and promote safe reception resources. Furthermore, through the dissemination of informative materials on the streets, we seek to increase collective awareness regarding the different types of abuse that affect people on different levels, whether they are close to us or those who share the spaces we frequent daily in our cities. We are committed to creating a safer and more conscious environment for everyone.
Coffee with Entrepreneurs
Project: In Partnership

Café com Empreendedoras is a joint initiative between Fábrica dos Sonhos and the Network of Women Entrepreneurs of Mantiqueira, started in March 2022, aiming to promote biannual meetings of women entrepreneurs in the region.
These meetings aim to establish connections, share experiences, dream collectively and provide mutual support. Through these events, we seek to strengthen the bonds and sense of belonging of Mantiqueira's women entrepreneurs in relation to their dreams and projects.
Status: Ativo